Welcome to the Dot Shop!

Hello! I’m Lenzi, founder of the Dot Shop. I started this company to provide YOU with comfortable, reusable period products to help you gain freedom and control over your menstrual experience. Even though it’s been more than 20 years, I still remember the feel of the giant, thick maxi pad my mom gave me when I had my first period. Since that initial experience, I’ve tried all sorts of solutions to optimize my comfort and control. Whether or not I decided to use a new product, every choice I made throughout my period journey made me more confident, powerful and comfortable with part of my life. You can learn more about my period product journey from the Dot Shop blog. Ultimately, I discovered that reusable period products were the solution for my comfort, lifestyle, and sustainability goals. If you’d like to explore reusable products, I am here for you! Wherever you are on your period journey, the Dot Shop is here to help you make informed decisions about what is best for your body and connect you with some really great products. Thanks for joining my crew and making this step to choose what is right for you. I welcome you to explore this website to check out some of the products and resources I’ve compiled. Sign up for our email list to stay up-to-date on products, resources, in-person shopping events and sales!

Menstrual Discs and Cups

Enjoy 10 to 12 hours of care-free protection. Feel superior knowing that your menstrual products stay out of the waste stream for up to a decade.

Menstrual Panties and Pads

Enjoy 4 to 8 hours of comfortable, leak-free protection. Walk with confidence as you look cute down to your knickers during your period.


Share and learn with people who have, will have or have had a period. Join us in a space to celebrate and honor you as a whole person.

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